dorky-cool knitting patterns by amarinalevin

dorky-cool knitting patterns by amarinalevin

You know you’ve reached peak grandma behaviour when you consider knitting a novelty jumper. But hey, nans rules, and we could all probably stand to be more like…

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frankie exclusive diy: basket bag

frankie exclusive diy: basket bag

If you’re looking for an extra-nice place to store your knitting projects and crafty bits and bobs, we’re pleased to tell you you can make one yourself. Dig…

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crochet patterns inspired by frida kahlo

crochet patterns inspired by frida kahlo

British knitwear designer Katie Jones never holds back on colour and pattern, which is precisely why her woolly garms are rad as all get out. Although Katie spent…

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stuff mondays – diy blanket from purl soho

stuff mondays – diy blanket from purl soho

With the temperature dropping and a long stretch of indoor living ahead of us, we’ve got only one thing on our minds: keeping cosy. To do so, we’ll…

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sew some duds for your bub

sew some duds for your bub

We know, we know, buying clothing for kids can be a pain in the butt, with their ever-growing limbs and whatnot. But look, children’s clothing is just so…

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ridiculously cute toys by dot pebbles knits

ridiculously cute toys by dot pebbles knits

You know when something is so gosh-darn cute you want to smoosh it against your face while making incoherent baby noises? That’s how we feel about Claire Garland’s…

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diy pom pom fruits

diy pom pom fruits

Got some cardboard? A big stash of yarn? What about a few hours up your sleeve? (All right, all right, we know the answer to the last question.)…

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an embroidered psa

an embroidered psa

Stay at home. It’s a public service announcement that’s been burned into our retinas, drilled into our heads and tattooed onto our psyche (OK, we’ll stop with the…

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modern weavings by natalie novak

modern weavings by natalie novak

Tapestry is a centuries-old art form, so it makes sense for Natalie Novak, the self-described “yarn wizard” behind Combed Thread, to make woven creations inspired by ancient, mythological…

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get crafty with bonnie hislop’s painting kits

get crafty with bonnie hislop’s painting kits

How bloody good is the arts and craft community? It can be easy to lapse into a doom and gloom mindset in times like these, but it’s thanks…

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