Make An Easy Coffee Can Bird House


When it comes to birds, avid watchers know that you can never have too many bird houses in your yard. Birds appreciate these items during the nesting and migration seasons, which can just about cover the entire year in some areas. So, if you are trying to attract birds to your yard, you should certainly create a place that is inviting and appealing to them. They will reward you with their presence and you can enjoy gazing at some of the most beautiful items nature has to offer. If you are interested in bird houses, you may want to consider making your own. You can create interesting bird houses in no time, using simple household items. Use these tips to create an easy coffee can bird house.

To begin you will need to collect an empty coffee can, super glue, paint, a small wooden peg, fishing line, a permanent marker, and a utility knife. Begin by washing the coffee can with soap and water. Be sure to rinse it well. If there is much residue in the can, birds will not want to stay in it. Dry the can and replace its lid. Next, trace a circle onto one side of the can, near the bottom. This will be the entrance for the birds. The circle will need to be large enough for birds to enter, but not too large. Some birds prefer the entrances to be smaller because it allows them safety from larger preying birds.

After tracing the hole, use the utility knife to carefully cut the entrance for the birds. Next, glue the wooden peg just below the entrance. This will be a great place for birds to perch, especially if a bird has babies inside and is trying to feed them. Be sure to allow enough area for the entrance however as well.

After the glue dries completely, you can move on to decorating your home. Using paint or anything else you would like, you can make this type of bird house into anything you would like. Be sure to remove the label if you haven’t already done so. You can paint the can to honor your favorite football team or paint lovely flowers on the side to match your garden. The possibilities are unlimited. This is a great time to get little ones involved as well. Children love to help with crafts and painting a bird house is one that children of all ages can participate in.

After the paint and decorations dry, you can poke a small hole in the back of the can and loop your fishing line through. This will allow you to hang the house on a tree. You can also choose to bolt the house to the tree. To do this, remove the coffee can’s lid and place the bolt through the inside back of the can. This simple craft is a wonderful way to attract birds to your yard for you and your family to enjoy all year long.

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