How to Make a Top Stitch Dresden Plate Quilt Block

Traditionally, Dresden plate quilt blocks can be quite daunting.  Melanie over at Southern Charm Quilts has a helpful video tutorial to make a top stitched version of the block.

This traditional quilt block has a wonderful look to it.  It is a nice design to make when you want to add some circular movement to a quilt.  As seen in the photo, it is also a great way to use up scraps.

The video makes the process easy.  You will find tips for getting sharp points, chain piecing, pressing, and stitching them to your background.

Don’t be scared to try out the Dresden plate block.  The video showing you how can be found here: How to Make a Dresden Plate

[photo from Souther Charm Quilts]

Check out this book, Scrap Fabric Quilting Book