Dear Jane Quilt Pattern Book

Are you ready to tackle one of the most well-known quilt patterns out there?  Think about trying a Dear Jane Quilt.  This book that is available for purchase over on Electric Quilt 8 (EQ8) has you covered.  The book has a number of the blocks highlighted and EQ8 even has add-on software that you can buy for all 225 blocks.  Wow!

Originally created in 1863, the blocks are geometric and almost take on a modern look depending on how you color them. This quilt is not for the faint of heart, but it is a show stopper to end all show stoppers.

If you think you can give it a try, go for it!  The book and the add-on software will help you out.

Click here to purchase the book: Dear Jane Book

Click here to purchase the add-on software: Dear Jane Add-One Software

[photo from EQ8}