9 Basic Knitting Tools for Beginners Who are Just on Groundwork


“There is practically no activity that cannot be enhanced or replaced by knitting, if you really want to get obsessive about it.”
― Stephanie Pearl-McPhee in
‘At Knit’s End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much’

Knitting as an art form has the capability to get you hooked on to the needles and yarn, making it a popular craft being practiced for centuries together. The time and energy spent in creating a particular piece of clothing speaks of the warmth, love, and concern of the individual and makes a perfect gift for someone you love. Considering this personal touch, it is no wonder why knitting is relatively very popular among expectant mothers and soon-to-be grandmothers.

The technique employed in knitting may seem complicated for an onlooker; however, once one gets the hang of twisting the needles right, he/she is sure to agree that this is one of the easiest crafts that can be pursued. That said, a first timer needs to know the basics of knitting, before which he/she needs to get the tools right. Take a look at what goes into the knitting basket.

Yarn having pastel colors
One of the foremost essential requirements for knitting is good quality yarn. While it is good to work with soft yarn as a beginner, it would be best if you begin with a yarn that makes you comfortable to work with. Investing in cheaper varieties of yarn is a valid option, provided you are using it as a means to get used to the idea of knitting. Our advice: invest in a yarn that will make you smile as you work your way through the craft and continue to do so as you flaunt your handiwork.
As a beginner, it is best to stock up on the plain, basic yarn rather than the novelty yarn that is fancy and comes in different patterns. When you go out to purchase the yarn, remember to let your fingers do the walking, allow yourself to feel the yarn, and the one that you feel comfortable with is the one you should go ahead with.
Single Point Needles
Knitting pins
You are sure to get confused with the variety of needles that are available for knitting. As a beginner, you can invest in a pair of single pointed needles in aluminum or plastic needles, depending on the size required for the particular project. Larger needles create large stitches, while fine needles create finer and closer knits. Similarly, knitting a shawl will require a longer needle, while a bootie requires a smaller needle.
It is better to invest in a needle kit which provides you with needles of different sizes, thus, allowing you to work on different projects as and when you feel the need to switch the knit style.
Double Point Needles
Blue ball of yarn with needles
Commonly used for circular knitting, these needles come in handy while knitting sleeves, collars, hats, and socks. These needles are tapered at either end allowing them to be used both ways. These needles are generally shorter than the single point needles.
Circular Needles
Circular bamboo knitting needles
Circular needles are made by connecting two single point needles with a flexible cable or wire. Used for knitting circular pieces of fabric, these needles are simpler to use than the regular single point needles. These needles eliminate the need to switch from one needle to the next; besides, it nullifies the risk of stitches slipping from the tips of the needle.
Another benefit of this needle is that it allows the woven fabric to rest in the lap of the knitter; it is less taxing as the weight is evenly distributed across the needle.
Crochet Hook
Crochet hook
It is always better to keep a crochet hook handy while undertaking a knitting project. Apart from rendering a crocheted border for the piece of garment, it can also be used to weave in place the loose ends of the yarn. Just like knitting needles, crochet needles too, come in different sizes. Just so you do not choose the wrong one, we suggest that you opt for the thicker variety that will allow you to work on the yarn with ease.
Tapestry Needles
Tapestry needles
Tapestry needles like crochet hooks help to weave in the loose ends. They are basically blunt and thick needles that are used to sew together two pieces of the garment. These needles have large eyelets so as to allow the yarn to pass through easily. Plastic needles are better if you are going to be knitting with children, while metal needles are always a better choice.
Spools and Scissors
Spools and scissors
Crafting scissors or cutters are needed to cut off excess yarn from your project. Keeping a couple of matching spools is especially beneficial to sew two separate pieces together or to attach a loose end to the garment.
Sewing Kit
Sewing kit
While knitting, you ought to keep your sewing kit handy. Sewing tools along with pins, stitch holders, stitch markers, and knit checkers are essential while knitting. Stitch markers and holders are needed to keep a record of the number of stitches and prevent them from slipping from the needle when not in use, respectively.
Wicker Basket
Isolated wicker box
The best way to keep your work in optimum shape is to place it in a basket away from dust, pets, and children. Besides, a basket will allow you to store your needles, yarn, and woven fabric all in one place. It will also make it easier for you to carry along while traveling or moving around from one room to another.
Colorful yarns, needles, and knit books are all you need to start knitting. When you take it up, ensure you do not go overboard with the supplies; instead stick to the bare minimal. You can always head to the store later to purchase the same shade of yarn in case you run out of knitting yarn.

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