Easy Precut Friendly Masala Box Quilt Pattern

Are you looking for an easy quilt pattern that is ideal for beginners.  This beauty from Preeti over at Sew Preeti Quilts may be just fit the bill and you can purchase it over on Etsy.  This quilt pattern works well with precuts and looks lovely in any combination of colors.  Best of all, there are instructions for three different sizes.

The pattern is a pdf so you should get it quickly once you order it.  To ensure that the pattern will be right for you, make sure to read the entire product description.

As a scrap quilter, this is definitely my kind of quilt.  The design looks tricky, but it really isn’t. And look at all of the movement with the offset rectangles and all of the different fabrics.

Click here to purchase this pattern: Masala Box Quilt Pattern

And check out Preeti’s other patterns here.

[photo from Sew Preeti Quilts]

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