Free Hoffman Fabrics Lone Star Quilt Pattern

Brought to us by the world renowned fabric company Hoffman Fabrics, this stunning lone star design by Jean Impey is a quilt you will want to make.  It was originally designed to show off one of the company’s fabric lines.

The finished quilt measures approximately 62.5 inches x 62.5 inches and the pattern was written with hand dyes in mind.  That is important because either side of a hand dyed fabric can be used.  The designer explains this in her tips section of the pattern.

This is definitely not a pattern for a beginner.  One nice thing about is that even though you might think that there are some set in seams, but there are not any.  I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like set in seams.  As you can see, there are some areas of appliqué as well and the templates for those are included.

Show off your favorite fabrics with this stunning pattern.  You can find it here: Checkmate

[photo from Hoffman Fabrics]