A Must to Follow Directions When Trying Out Fusible Interfacing


Fusible interfacing is a method in which an additional layer of fabric is stitched to the main fabric for better support and shape. In this, the piece of fabric is fused into the main fabric and then stitched together. Though it sounds very simple, one has to be careful that the color of the fabric matches with the color of the main fabric, and the piece is properly cut and aligned. Earlier, people had to prepare the pieces to fuse on their own, which sometimes used to be a tedious job. But now, one can purchase the fusible interfacing and easily make a permanent bond with the fabric. However, make sure you get it right the first time, as once you have set the fusible interfacing, there’s no undoing. Commonly used for collars, cuffs, necklines, etc., nowadays, fusible interfacing for handbags and purses is also common.

How to Apply Fusible Interfacing

Things Required

  • Iron
  • Ironing board
  • Press cloth
  • Spray bottle


  • For a lightweight fabric, set the iron temperature a bit higher than normal. For medium- to heavy-weight fabric, keep the iron to ‘wool’ and allow the iron to heat up for 15–20 minutes to ensure that it’s hot enough.
  • Keep the fabric piece on the ironing board―with the wrong side up―and center the interfacing on top of it, with the adhesive side down. In case the interfacing is not preshrunk prior to cutting, you can steam-shrink it by keeping the iron a little above the interfacing piece and steam it for few seconds.
  • Steam baste the interfacing by touching it in different places with the tip of the iron. This will help in slightly bonding the fabric with the interfacing so that it won’t shift during the fusing process.
  • Dampen the press cloth evenly with the spray bottle, but don’t soak it wet and then keep the press cloth on the top of the interfacing.
  • Now place the iron directly onto the section of the fabric piece and apply firm and even pressure on it. If necessary, use both your hands to apply pressure but don’t slide the iron.
  • For light-weighted fabric and interfacing, apply pressure and hold for 10 seconds, while for heavy weighted fabric press and hold for 10–15 seconds.
  • After the time has elapsed, lift the iron and check whether the press cloth is dry or not. If not, increase the iron temperature and place the iron on the fabric for a few more seconds.
  • Now keep the iron straight down onto the next section, which is to be fused while overlapping some on to the first section as well. Apply pressure and hold for the specified time.
  • Lift the iron and repeat the procedure until the entire piece has been pressed, and then turn the piece over to iron the other side.
  • Leave the fabric piece as it is till it cools completely, as even a little bit of movement when it is still warm can intervene with the bonding process.

Therefore, to form a proper bond with the main fabric, fusible interfacing primarily requires four things: heat, steam, pressure, and time. Being one of the simplest techniques for interfacing, fusible interfacing brings a crispy touch to the fabric.

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