Strawberry Tattoos


Strawberry tattoos are not just playful elements of tattoo art, or just another design in a tattoo album. They represent a variety of ideas and symbols that began centuries ago. In modern context, they are exponents of feminism, seduction, and fertility. However, there is a lot more to strawberries than meets the eye. Here’s something you didn’t know about the tattoos that represent this luscious fruit.


Strawberries have a story that goes way back in time. One may think that it is a relatively new concept introduced in the field of tattoo art and design; but it is a representation of different cultures and traditions, and is highly symbolic of several age-old beliefs. Strawberry tattoos have now gained much popularity especially among women.

  • These tattoos are a symbol of love and playfulness, and are therefore, an ideal choice for those seeking love. Even for women who want to portray their love for their partner may get this tattoo.
  • Strawberries have also earned themselves the title of ‘aphrodisiacs’, as they were an important ingredient in the meals of newlyweds, in olden days in France.
  • As playful as they are assumed to be, strawberries also propound fidelity and honesty.
  • Strawberry tattoos portray absolute purity, as strawberries have been said to be pure enough to be offered to Virgin Mary.

It is remarkable how a mere tattoo can symbolize so many things at once. You can wear it and give out the vibe you seek, and the possibility of it being misunderstood is rare, because a strawberry tattoo is so versatile.


How and where you wear a strawberry tattoo is perhaps, a portrayal of the message you’re attempting to give through it.

  • Wear a lonely strawberry to project your feminism. Though single, its bright and bold color add a spark to your personality.
  • You can be creative by getting a tattoo that’s growing from a vine. As aforementioned, it symbolizes a wild streak beneath all the innocence.
  • If you find your strawberry tattoo to be too lonely, you may try to creatively add more colors and abstract designs around it. Some suitable colors are green, black, white, yellow, and blue. Even pink is a subtle complement to the bold red.
  • Get a double strawberry to seek new love or announce your love to your loved one.
  • Alternatively, you may try a strawberry tattoo struck by cupids arrow, announcing the world of your newly found love.
  • Give wings to your romance by getting yourself an angel-winged strawberry tattoo.
  • Highlight your sensuality by wearing a tattoo of a strawberry dipped in chocolate. Together, these seductive elements will make you a goddess in the eyes of all your admirers.

Where you wear your strawberry tattoos is completely a matter of personal preference. Even so, there are a few options you may choose from. Wear it at the nape of your neck, or on your shoulder. You may also sport it on your arm, or on your lower back. A strawberry tattoo on the hip may symbolize fertility. Ankle is another place where you could get yourself this tattoo.

Who would have thought that an innocent fruit like a strawberry had so many hidden aspects to it? It is astounding as to how it has made its way into the world of tattoo art and become highly popular, especially among women. Though always assumed just to be a delicious berry, the strawberry as a tattoo has come a long way into finding its rightful place as a symbol of purity.

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